Get Involved!

You can support me in many ways:

  • Request a yard sign
  • Talk with your friends, family and neighbors
  • Contact supporters through your social networks
  • Donate to the campaign

Please take time to complete the volunteer form below.

Volunteer Form

Required fields are marked with a


I will help the campaign in the following ways:

Display a yard sign

Run errands for the campaign

Host a meet and greet

Talk to voters door-to-door for Ella Hall

Make phone calls

Use social media to share campaign related posts

Volunteer to Get Out The Vote

Newspaper Owners - Print my plans in your paper

Radio and TV Hosts - Invite Ella for interviews, and Town Halls to converse with listeners/viewers.

Billboard Companies- Place Ella's headshot on your billboards with the following message: A Vote For HALL, Is A Vote For ALL ALL Corporate Taxes Reduced To 2% ALL Minimum Wages (Frozen, Subsidized) And Increased To 29. No Employer Pays A Cent More. ALL Bank Accounts 100% Insured/Secured Medicare Plus For ALL

Pray God's Divine Intervention in ALL Campaign/Candidate matters.

Mail a copy of my Plan to 20 or more individuals [family, friends, associates, colleagues, church, club, community].

Union Leaders - Distribute my plan to ALL members. Ask them to vote, and ask them to distribute my Plan to at least 12 to 20 others [family/friends/associates/club/groups, etc.].

YES! I support and will allow my name to be used in the campaign.

YES! I support but prefer my name NOT be used in the campaign.

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